Seminars, conference papers and posters

Fertility - Health and Mortality - Religious trends - Happiness


Seminar at IDESO, University of Geneva, March 2025

" Trends in fertility, mortality, religiosity and life satisfaction: a snapshot of results and avenues for future research"

Poster presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Bath, September 2024
"Changes in fertility rates by birth order through the pandemic years 2019-2022"

Poster presented at the European Population conference, University of Edinburgh, June 2024

" Fertility trends 2000-2020: similarities and differences between Western and Eastern European countries"

Paper presented at the 7th Generations and Gender Programme Users Conference, Warsaw, September 2023

"Comparing partnership satisfaction and financial situation before and after having a first child: how does reality match expectations?"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Keele, September 2023
"Association of religiosity with partner relationships"

Seminar at Te Ngira, Institute for Population Research, University of Waikato, February 2023
"The fertility curve: an under-used trove of demographic information"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Winchester, September 2022

"Why has the TFR fallen in many western countries over the past decade?"

Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion annual meeting, virtual conference programme, October 2021
"Determinants of fertility by religiosity: a life course approach"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, online meeting, September 2021
"Differentials and trends in fertility across the Swiss cantons 2000-2019"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, online meeting, September 2020
"Expectations and reality of childbearing: effect on partner relationship and finances"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Cardiff, September 2019
"Trends in birth intervals for twenty countries"

Lab talk at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), March 2019
"Attitudes to money, sex and religion: do they have any association with childbearing intentions and outcomes?"

Lab talk at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), January 2019

"Why the TFR gives an erroneous impression of the fertility of migrants - and how to make a better measure"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Winchester, September 2018
"Why the TFR of the foreign population is so misleading. How a better fertility measure can be developed knowing fertility at immigration, emigration and naturalisation in addition to births"

Paper presented to the LIVES working group, University of Lausanne, May 2018

"Do foreign women in Switzerland have higher or lower fertility than Swiss women? A life-course perspective to reconcile contradictory period and cohort measures"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Liverpool, September 2017
"Who really wants a child? And who's not so bothered? Comparing countries and subgroups and the association with childlessness"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Liverpool, September 2017
"Who has more children than their mother?"

Seminar at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia. February 2017
"Interesting enigmas in the demography of fertility: examples from Switzerland"

Paper presented at the Workshop on the Fertility of Migrants and Minorities, Leibnitz University, Hanover, February 2017
"Foreigners in Switzerland boost the country's fertility rate, yet they now have smaller families than native Swiss: how so?"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Winchester, September 2016
"Differences in expectations and outcomes with respect to childbearing between the religious 'nones' and the religiously active"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Winchester, September 2016
"Do family policies have an impact on the fertility rate?"

Seminar at the ISSRC, University of Lausanne, May 2016
"Why such a big difference in family size between the religious and the non-religious (in Switzerland)?"

Paper presented at the conference 'Advancing the Demographic Study of Religion' at the Pew Research Center, Washington DC, March 2016
"Why do religious nones in Switzerland have only half as many children as the religiously active?"

Poster presented at the conference 'Education and reproduction in low-fertility settings' (EDUREP), Wittgenstein centre, Vienna, December 2015
"Is education the primary determinant of childlessness in Switzerland?"

Paper presented to the LIVES working group, University of Lausanne, November 2015

"Differentials in desires and realisation: 1st, 2nd and 3rd child"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Leeds, September 2015
"Spacing between children and trends in mean age of successive birth orders: quite different stories!"

Paper presented at a colloquium for users of the Families and Generations Survey (EFG) at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, May 2015
"First analyses using EFG data: investigations on childlessness"

Seminar at the Life Course and Inequality Research Centre, University of Lausanne, November 2014
"Determinants of childlessness in Switzerland"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Winchester, September 2014
"Cohort fertility trends across Europe: commonalities and anomalies"

Seminar at the Vienna Institute of Demography, July 2014
"Childlessness trends, religious trends: are they associated?"

Poster presented at the European Population Conference, Budapest, June 2014
"The rise and fall of a multi-modal fertility curve"

Paper presented at the 17th IUSSP International Population Conference, Busan, South Korea, September 2013
"Europe-wide fertility trends since the 1990s: turning the corner from declining first birth rates"

Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of Panel Data Users in Switzerland, February 2013
"Spacing of children in Switzerland: constancy or change?"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Nottingham, September 2012
"Was slowing postponement really the engine for TFR rises in European countries?"

Seminar at the National Institute of Demographic and Economic Analysis (NIDEA), University of Waikato, New Zealand, February 2012
"Are women in Europe still having babies?"

Poster presented at Alp-Pop conference, La Thuile, January 2012
"TFRs have been rising… Have women been having more babies?"

Paper presented at the Human Fertility Database Symposium, MPIDR, November 2011
"Visualisation of fertility trends: Switzerland as a case study"

Seminar at the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (MPIDR), June 2011
"The value of detailed fertility data: A case study on divergence and convergence of fertility behaviour in Switzerland"

Seminar at the United Nations Population Division in New York, November 2010
"The value of detailed fertility data: A case study on divergence and convergence of fertility behaviour in Switzerland"

Seminar at the Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, Australia. April 2008
"New fertility behaviour in Eastern Europe: How it has emerged and future prospects. Case studies of Bulgaria, Hungary and Georgia"

Presentation of results for MSc module, University of Geneva (UNIGE), February 2007
"Fertility trends: A comparison of Japan and Switzerland"

Seminar at the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Neuchâtel, August 2006
"La suisse: au seuil d’un baby-boom ou d’un baby-bust?" (Switzerland: on the threshold of a baby-boom or a baby-bust?)

Health and Mortality 

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, online meeting, September 2020
"Differentials in self-assessed health by generation: cross-country comparisons"

Paper presented at the British Society for Population Studies annual conference, University of Winchester, September 2018
"Cohort mortality: what is so special about the people born in 1946?"

Paper presented at the European Population Conference, Brussels, June 2018
"After the mortality improvements of the Golden Cohort, how has the Baby Boom generation fared? Good news and bad news"


Religious trends

Sermon preached at Crossroads Church, St Genis-Pouilly, August 2015
"Graphs and Prayers"

Paper presented at the 8th International Conference of the Swiss Household Panel Data Users, Lausanne, June 2015
"If people become more religious, do they become happier?"

Paper presented at the European Social Survey conference, Limerick, May 2015

"Religious attendance rates: data evaluation of the ESS, EVS, ISSP and WVS"

Paper presented at the SOCREL Annual Conference, Durham, April, 2013
"Changing levels of religious observance through the life course (Religiosity in Switzerland: disentangling age, cohort and period effects)"

Paper presented at the 7th International Conference of the Swiss Household Panel Data Users, Lausanne, February 2013
"Religious trends in Switzerland: disentangling age, cohort, individual flux and period effects"

Seminar at the ISSRC, University of Lausanne, April 2012
"Trends in young people’s religiosity and cohort religiosity trends"

Paper presented at the British Sociological Association's annual conference, Leeds, April, 2012
"Dissection of a religious revival: a case study of Georgia"

Paper presented at the Symposium on Religion, Religiosity and Social Indicators – the Special Case of Georgia, University of Fribourg, June 2011
"Trends in religious observance and fertility behaviour: global empirical results and theoretical models"

Paper presented at SOCREL Annual Conference, Birmingham, April, 2011
"Cohort religiosity: does it stay at a stable level everywhere and across all cohorts?"

Paper presented at the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion (SSSR) Annual Conference, Baltimore, October 2010
"Modernisation and secularisation quantified"

Paper presented at SOCREL Annual Conference, Edinburgh, April 2010
"Trends in religious participation of young people: do they mirror trends in atheism?"

Presentation at UCSIA Summer School, Antwerp, September 2009
"Religiosity, revival and secularisation: cross-country comparisons"

Paper presented at the 5th International Lausanne Researchers conference, Melbourne, April 2008
"Young people: are they less religious than older people, and are they less religious than they used to be?"



Paper presented at the 3rd International European Social Survey conference, University of Lausanne, July 2016
"Cross-country variations in happiness: trends, age differentials and anomalies"