Published papers

Gerber, Roxanne and Marion Burkimsher. 2023. Ch. 7. Familles migrantes : différences de calendrier et défis pour concilier travail et famille. In Clémentine Rossier, Laura Bernardi & Claudine Sauvain-Dugerdi (eds), Diversité des familles et bien-être en Suisse. Enquêtes sur les familles et les générations 2013 et 2018. Éditions Seismo, Zürich and Geneva, pp 191-230.

Burkimsher, Marion. 2022 Differences in childbearing patterns across Switzerland. Demos 2/2022 Cantonal differences. Swiss Federal Statistical Office, Neuchâtel, pp 2-7.

Burkimsher, Marion, Clémentine Rossier and Philippe Wanner. 2020. Why the Standard TFR gives a misleading impression of the fertility of foreign women: insights from Switzerland. Comparative Population Studies, Vol. 45, pp 417-448.


Burkimsher, Marion. 2019. Investigating family size differentials by religiosity across Europe: National contexts, expectations and outcomes. Journal of Religion and Demography, Volume 6 Issue 2, pp 228-251.


Burkimsher, Marion, Clémentine Rossier and Philippe Wanner. 2018. Who has more children in Switzerland: Swiss or foreign women? Why the TFR is a misleading measure", LIVES Working Paper 2018/73, pp 1-40


Burkimsher, Marion. 2017. Evolution of the shape of the fertility curve: Why might some countries develop a bimodal curve? Demographic Research, 2017, vol. 37, pp 295-324.


Burkimsher, Marion. and Zeman, Krystof. 2017. Childlessness in Switzerland and Austria. In Michaela Kreyenfeld and Dirk Konietzka (eds.), Childlessness in Europe: Patterns, Causes, and Contexts, Springer.


Guarin, Andrés, Laura Bernardi and Marion Burkimsher. 2016. Comparing fertility patterns of migrants and Swiss natives. Demos, newsletter of demographic information, No. 1, June 2016, pp 5-8. Swiss Federal Statistical Office


Burkimsher, Marion. 2015. Europe-wide fertility trends since the 1990s: Turning the corner from declining first birth rates. Demographic Research, 2015, vol. 32, pp 621-656.


Burkimsher, Marion. 2014. Is Religious Attendance Bottoming Out? An Examination of Current Trends Across Europe. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 53(2), 432-445.     Post-publication version including newly published data and online appendices


Kreyenfeld, M., Zeman, K., Burkimsher, M. and Jaschinski, I. 2011. Fertility data for German speaking countries: What is the potential? Where are the pitfalls? Comparative Population Studies – Zeitschrift für Bevölkerungswissenschaft Vol. 36 No 2-3


Burkimsher, Marion. 2011. Modelling biological birth order and comparison with census parity data in Switzerland: a report to complement the Swiss data in the Human Fertility Collection (HFC). MPIDR Technical Report TR-2011-005. (2011).

Kreyenfeld, M., Zeman, K., Burkimsher, M. and Jaschinski, I. 2011. Fertility data for German speaking countries. What is the potential? Where are the pitfalls? MPIDR Working Paper WP-2011-003. (2011).


Macura, M., Beets, G. with Burkimsher, M. 2002, Fertility and partnership: why the FFS and what did we learn from it?
In M. Macura, Beets G. (eds.), Dynamics of fertility and partnership in Europe. Insights and lessons from comparative research, Vol. 1. United Nations, 2002, Geneva.


Burkimsher, Marion. 1983. Investigations of glacier hydrological systems using dye tracer techniques: observations at Pasterzengletscher, Austria.
Journal of Glaciology Vol 29, No. 103, p 403-416, 1983.


Burkimsher, Marion. 1983. Short-term irregularities of discharge of glacial melt-water streams.
Journal of Glaciology, vol.29, Issue 101, pp.198-199.