Original papers, unpublished as of September 2012

If you use any of the material in these papers, please cite the relevant website and also contact me by email, drmarionb-at-gmail


Was slowing postponement really the engine for TFR rises in European countries?

Assessment of fertility indicators derived from GGP samples: Bulgaria, Hungary and Georgia

Divergence and convergence of fertility behaviour. The example of Switzerland

Filling in the blanks in fertility data. Looking back, looking forward: an example from Switzerland

What factors increase the likelihood that a woman will have no children in Switzerland? Are they the same as for remaining single? Are  men influenced by the same factors?

Maps of childlessness Switzerland

How might the primary demographic indicators be affected by the current recession? Illustrations from Switzerland’s recent past

New fertility behaviour in Eastern Europe: How it has emerged and future prospects. Case studies of Bulgaria, Hungary and Georgia (MSc dissertation)

Reflections of changing societies: religiosity and fertility and their interrelationship

Religious trends

Religious trends in Georgia: How unique are they on a global scale?

What is really happening to religious attendance in Europe? How a cohort approach can help define decline or growth

Trends in religious participation of young people: do they mirror trends in atheism?

Young people: are they less religious than older people and are they less religious than they used to be? An international overview

Other demographic topics (Masters level projects)

What makes people happy? What makes people sad? And where do you draw the line? A preliminary investigation from Switzerland.

Report on world population projections, 2005 – 2050

Pop song lyrics: another factor in the migration decision?

Determinants of infant and under-5 mortality: a comparison of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda

Can voting patterns be used to measure changes in satisfaction level on a local scale?

Naturalisation, emigration, mortality: what happened to different nationalities who arrived in Switzerland in 1980?